Friday, February 20, 2009

Wife of Bath

Hey! I find it necessary for this blog to be written in pink (for the power of women). The Wife of Bath is a character, but in a way I find her tale bear truth on feminism in regards to that at this time in history women were not in charge, but she is trying to remind people that women should have power. She begins her tale with a knight raping a woman; however, why a knight? A knight is someone who is noble, loyal, and of high stature so why him? Is this another reference to her life that if the knight can screw up then so can she in a sense? Anyway his punishment is from the Queen to find out what women desire most. I find this rather interesting considering it was the queen who has the power (over the king) and I believe she sets him up for failure. (what are the chances he is going to find out?) In our class discussion it makes sense that the magical fairies or women were dancing around and then vanished. In the movie "O' Brother Where Art thou" there is a scene similar to this that lures the man in for them to sing them to sleep. So maybe these women are "luring" him over there for the old lady? The whole ending of this story was not surprising to me for the fact that the knight gives this woman "the thing they desire the most" which is power of their lovers or husbands; hence the transformation. I believe that the Wife of Bath is saying that if husbands and lovers would give the wife and women power and control then everything would be easier in a marriage; hence, of the men would have done that in her marriages she would not have killed them. I believe that the Wife of Bath herself is on the way to happiness only if the 6th husband lets her control them; I believe that she needs a submissive man. This submissiveness relates to feminism in the fact that at this time women were supposed to be submissive to men, but if this is the case then why can't women be the same way. The Wife of Bath is a strong and determined woman trapped in the wrong time in history.

1 comment:

  1. Im glad that you had put your writing in pink to represent for the women.
