Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Wife of Bath Tale

Honestly, I was not even expecting this kind of tale from the Wife of Bath. After reading the prologue I would not have even expected her to make the story about a man and not about a women being devise with her husband. I honestly thought her story was going to be alot like the Millers Tale, with a women cheating on her husband or something like that. I do like how she chooses a Knight to be the guy that rapes the women [I'm not saying I approve of what he does]. But I think it is really ironic, that she chooses a Knight! A Knight, especially on King Arthurs court, is supposed to be a role model, someone who does nothing wrong.
I think the queen must have given him the task, to find out what women really want, because she knew it would be an impossible task for him to get just one answer! I mean every women is going to have a different answer of what women want. I also think she gave him the task so he would learn something from women, because by him raping the women, it shows he knows absolutely nothing about women. The Queen probably already knew that he would get different answers from all the women he asked, and all of the answers could be correct, because not every women wants the same thing from a man and a marriage. I do not think she was going to kill the Knight at all, as long as he came back with some kind of answer, even though she said she would if he came back with the wrong answer. But really, how could there be a wrong answer to that question?? I think the Queen knew all along what she was doing by sending him out there to find out what women want, and I feel like it was just to teach him a lesson! I could be absoluletly wrong on this, but I really do not think that she would have killed the Knight, as long as he did have an answer for her.
Maybe, the Knight having to marry the ugly old hag, was his punishment. I mean, he raped a women, so it seems to me like this Knight is a little shallow. There would be no way on earth that he would have married this "old hag" on his own! He was trying to get out of marrying her right after she told the court that she told him the answer and she is the reason that he is still alive! During the first night, he is completely disgusted by her, but she gives him two choices, he thinks for a you think he is thinking about what women want the most?? Because he ultimately makes the right decision and she turns into a young beautiful women who is always faithful to him! I think if he was given that choice in the beginning of the story he would have picked the young and beautiful wife, but took his chances on her being unfaithful to him, because before his "journey" he seems like a shallow guy!

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