Monday, April 27, 2009

Absalom and Achitophel

I didn't enjoy this poem as well as I have like all of the other stories in the class. I am not a huge politics person and mainly this was what the poem represented so I couldn't stay focused on it.
From what I understood. Dryden was ordered to right the poem by King Charles II, who also paid him for this. In the poem Dryden tells of the story of David in the book of Samuel. But mainly this was a cover poem to represent King Charles and what was going on in England. At the time England was having a crisis of both religious and political that was threatening the Restoration and another civil War.
Was Dryden on the Kings side? Were the religious views of the poem to tell of the Kings faults? in the preface before the poem it says Dryden had to use all his skill and mention but gloss over the King's faults. Since the Charles II did pay him to write the poem I do not think Dryden would want to write anything to get the King on his bad side. But he also apologizes for the writing so maybe by apologizing that keeps King Charles from getting suspicious or mad at Dryden.
I did think that Dryden picked a great book from the bible to represent King Charles.. He wants to reprsent the King and from the bible David : "The sins of the Father" being David who has sinned and it is very difficult for him to correct his sons from sinning since they have seen what he has done.(David's sons Amnon and Absalom) So the representation between the Charles II and David are very much alike.
In the scripture there is a part about Ahithophel telling Absalom to attack his father David and to do it in a hurry..During this time period in England were the People wanting to Kill King Charles. at the end of the scripture David returns to the country and slowly the people are uniting under him again. He is forgiving and fair as he deals with those who have rejected him and those whose loyalty has been suspect. Therefore if this is the representation of David then King Charles has been in the wrong and this is representing the people following his rule again?
This was a difficult read for me I hope that I have understood this right.

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