Thursday, March 5, 2009

Utopia Book 2

Utopia is making it seem like its a "perfect" place with its laws, how people farm, their lifestyles, how people treat their money, etc.

Houses: There are alot of houses in which they all look the same. There are like tenants who really take good care of their gardens like its their own. Plus, any person can walk to any house whenever they please since nobody owns them. Thats so cool!!!

The children, the women, and men: Children go to school to read and learn. When it comes down to clothing, every person wears the same materials. The fabric never changes, and the only way you can tell them apart is men from women. But seriously, the same clothes, I wonder if they washed them everyday. Women have to deal with the wool and flax to support the family.

The Six-hour Work Day Period: I really don't have a problem with the number of hours they're really working because for one, that's not alot of hours, and it gives them time afterward to eat, sleep, and hae some time to themselves. I'm only working 5 hours and I feel that I have enough time for the things that I want to do.

Transportation: Why would you want to keep tabs on those who want leave outside of your home? It's not like they're going to live somewhere else!!! They need a kind of passport from the Prince that tells them where they are only allowed to go. But there are consequences: if by chance a person(s) is caught leaving without a passport at least more than one day, then they are forced as slaves. To me, that's like calling them a terroist if you don't have some sort of information.

Marriage: I agree that women are not to be married before they are 18, and men are not to be married before 22. In this century, couples get married around that age because they feel that they feel that they are ready and that they love each other. What I want to know is why men and women have to see each other naked before getting married? This reminds me of Adam and Eve from the Book of Genesis.

On War: I like how the Utopians think about war. It's like we're close They hate war and the only time they would have to fight is when they have to defend themselves, and/or any of their people are killed or hurt at the process. But the Utopians did hired most of the soldiers from a country that loves to fight and doesn't care about anything else. Why would they be going against their own families? Are they there just to get paid?

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