Monday, March 16, 2009

Utopia 2

The entire scene of Utopia is written as to be a real place but truly is not. When asked the question is Utopia a place I could live I would have to say no.
I have some likes but for the most part I would not agree on many of there laws.

Working only 6 hours a day: I do like this law and I could see where many people would as well. As for myself in our world today I have my own business and I set my own hours. I would much rather do what I do than there 6 hours. That is law and mandatory whereas for myself I may work 3 hours a day for 4 days then have the other 3 off.

I believe in being an individual and having your own thoughts own characteristics, and personality. So to have to be a women wearing the same clothes as everyone, no makeup, and do the same things. This would not work for me. There is no line separating one person from the next. You dress the same therefore you look the same and for me that is no way to live your life. I like being able to express myself anyway I want. From the way I dress to how I am a parent to my child. You need to be able to be who you are not who someone is making you become.

Having a peek before marriag!!. seeing the other person naked should not make a difference if you like the person you are with. I believe you shoud love a person for who they really are not just there looks. I know even in out life and worldthat this isnt always the case but to me its wrong. On another aspect how emabarrising is this. Here is a man and women seeing one another naked for the first time but only under supervision. Where is the privacy!! I can't even imagine having to live back then when people had sex in front of everyone or had to show the bloody sheet to the entire town.. Just doesn't seem right. LOL

Another law I do not agree with is having to move to another family or district just because of population difference. They want Utopia to always be in balance and have the same number of people and it doesn't matter. I like a big family but to have to live in a household with 10-16 people is too much. Once again I like my privacy and do things when i want. Not only are the households huge but you the eldest man is the leader or syphogrant.

Also I feel women and children are not looked as highly opun as men. Men are the ones who become kings, head of the government, but not women. While at dinner women must set on the outsides of the tables. Heaven forbid they made a disturbence because pregnancy or have to leave to take care of there children. As for the boys and girls over 5 they must wait on a table and if not available stand there in absolute silence while there elders eat. My child comes first and foremost in everything I do. I would rather have the children fed before myself.

To me Utopia is not my lifestyle of how I want to live. I'll enjoy how I live my life here in this world..

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