Friday, April 17, 2009

The Lady's Dressing Room

This poem couldn't be more disgusting!!! During the beginning and middle of the semester, we've been discussing about love, sex, and betrayal. Now, i couldn't believe that we were talking about things that comes out of our own butts!!! This poem I guess is based on the word, "shit." And during our discussion, I thought it was funny because some of the people in been saying that "word." Anyways, this poem talks about what's happening in the lady's dressing room. Line 1 states, "Five hours (and who can do it less in?)" So it takes that long for a women to become beautiful? In Celia's case, I guess she needed that long, especially with the horrible stuff in the background. You have Strephon, who had snuck into the room described whats not only happening in the room, but what's in there. In line 20-26 it states, "The various combs for various uses,
Filled up with dirt so closely fixed,
No brush could force a way betwixt;
A paste of composition rare,
Sweat, dandruff, powder, lead, and hair;
A forehead cloth with oil upon't
To smooth the wrinkles on her front;"
Is that how she change herself? I mean she is a goddess. My favorite part was how Strephon was how he was looking around the room, and what caught his sneahy eyes was this pandora's box. What he didn't realized was that something horrible and gruesome was laying inside there. Once he opened it, he noticed there was a pile of shit and caught a fit just like on like on line 118, "Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!" I think he deserved it because he did peeped in the box and the reading said that it was his punishment, but my question is did she poop in there or was it magic? The box is called Pandora's Box so it sounds like its a magical box or something...

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