Monday, April 27, 2009

For Exam: Overview of Twelfth Night

This was written during the reign of Queen Elisabeth I (1558-1603) English Renaissance
By: William Shakespeare
Written in 1601
Comedy: was performed as a Play
Setting of Story: Place called Illyria
Characters and Role:
Orsino: Duke of Illyria; who is obsessed and wants to marry the Fair lady Olivia
Viola: Comes to Illyria after her shipwreck. Works for Orsino but is disguised as a man named "Cesario" Is Orsinos secret admirer. Viloa is entrusted to convey the Dukes love to Olivia.

Sea Captain: Friend of Viola who helps her disguise as a man

Lady Olivia: A countess of high social standing and beauty. Orisno wants her to marry him. she has resigned herself to 7 years of solitude because of her father's death and then her brothers death. Ignores Orsino but when she sees Cesario (Viola) she falls deeply in love with him. This causes problems for Cesario who is really Viola.. Later she will marry Sebastion Viola's brother who Olivia thinks is Cesario. Everything works out in the end for her!

Sebastion: Viola's Twin brother. They think he did not survive the shipwreck. He will come to Illyria where he will be reunited with his sister. Will take Lady Olivia as his bride.

Antonio: A sea captain by trade. He has many enemies of the Dukes court. He accompanies Sebastion in his travels.

Sir Toby Belch: Olivia's Uncle. He is always drunk and passes away the time drinking with his friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek. He is a great at playing practical jokes, in which he likes to play on Malvolio.

Sir Andrew Aguecheek: Drinking partner of Sir Toby. Always is pushing Lady Olivia's patience with his loud and lewd behavior. Sir Andrew like Sir Toby having little love for the annoying Malvolio and is party to a practical joke against him. Sir Andrew however is greatly valued by Sir Toby since he is rich, earning some "three thousand ducats a year." Unwittingly, Sir Andrew is also the pawn in Sir Toby's plot making. Naive by nature, he is manipulated by Sir Toby into pursuing Lady Olivia since this will maintain Sir Toby's drinking lifestyle. Later Sir Andrew is manipulated into challenging Cesario, who becomes a threat to Sir Toby's plans.

Malvolio: As Lady Olivia's steward, Malvolio sees himself in a somewhat grandiose light, imagining Olivia to love him and wishing to be more than his current rank. This and his continuous disapproval of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew's drinking, earn him their hatred and he quickly becomes their pawn in a complex romantic ruse.

Maria: Lady Olivia's woman, she is patient and tactful where Malvolio is brash and insulting. She too, disapproves of Sir Toby and company's drinking but tries tactfully to subdue their boisterous spirits. Her dislike of Malvolio leads her to create an elaborate romantic trick on Malvolio, which she also uses to calm down Sir Toby and company, who are now enthusiastic conspirator's in Malvolio's humiliation.

Feste: Referred to in the text as "The Clown" and a servant to Olivia, Feste like so many of Shakespeare's fools, speaks the truth from the source of recognized foolishness. He is much appreciated by Sir Toby, who spends many hours with him.

Fabian: A servant of Lady Olivia's, he too dislikes Malvolio, and also participates enthusiastically in Malvolio's downfall.

Valentine and Curio: Gentlemen attending Orsino at the start of the play.

At the end. Cesario (Viola) and Sebastion will see one another and find out they are in fact brother and sister.
Sebastion will marry Olivia
Malvolio will not get Olivia and is mad at the trick that has been played on him that Olivia was not really in love with him. He will leave but says he will be back for revenge.
Duke Orisino will take Viola as he mistress and it is assumed that they will marry.
Feste will end the play with song that speaks of growing up and growing old.

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